
Nathan Brown Portfolio

A brief overview of work I have completed in Machine Learning.

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Unsupervised Learning

One thing I had not attempted yet in Machine Learning was unsupervised learning. I decided to use Fashion-MNIST again (usuing only 2 classes which were pullovers and jackets) and try some basic techniques on this data set with scikit-learn and PyTorch. There is a GitHub at the bottom linking to a notebook that is more…

Exploring PyTorch

The next project was completed using the Fashion-MNIST dataset and PyTorch to build a neural network. There is a GitHub link to a notebook with a more detailed version of this project provided at the bottom. PyTorch was something I had not previously explored so I decided this image classification problem would be a good…

An In Depth Project with Scikit-Learn

This next project I was tasked with taking a CSV all the way to a finalised model to predict with. The data provided was a regression problem with predicting insurance claim values. The data had a mixture of numerical values and categorical values. The data given was messy on purpose with lots of imputation needed…

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